Treating Arthritis with Physical Therapy
Working with a physical therapist can help you manage symptoms, increase mobility, and improve physical function. They’ll also teach you specific exercises and techniques that can allow you to move with less pain and greater ease.
Broken Forearm: Radius, Ulna, and Both Bone Fractures
A forearm fracture occurs when there is a fracture of one or both of the bones of the forearm. The two bones of the forearm are the radius and the ulna. Both bones are important for proper motion of the elbow and wrist joints, and both bones serve as important attachments to muscles of the upper extremity.
4 Common Conditions That Affect Your Toes
Common toe problems, including bunions, tailor's bunion (or bunionette), hammertoes, and hallux limitus, can be caused by abnormal foot anatomy and function as well as too-small footwear.
8 reasons you're experiencing lower right back pain and what to do about it
Lower right back pain can be due to a sprain, infection, cancer, pregnancy, and much more. To get proper treatment you need the right diagnosis so track any other symptoms you're having. Your symptoms and the type of pain you're experiencing can help you identify the cause and find relief for lower right back pain. Here's what might be at play.
Stiff shoulders after rotator cuff repair may be less likely to require revision surgery
Patients with stiff shoulders after rotator cuff repair were more likely to be satisfied with their repair and less likely to require revision surgery than patients without stiff shoulders, according to results presented here.